Our Reading Intent
At Coleby C.E. Primary School, we place reading at the heart of our curriculum. Our aim is to provide our children with the opportunities to become fluent and confident lifelong readers who see the purpose in reading and value reading as the key to success. Our aspiration for each of our children is based upon the need for them to enter the world of work as articulate and literate individuals with a strong love of reading. We strive to give pupils a stimulating environment, where reading materials are at the heart of our learning and presented in an attractive and inviting way.
Our Writing Intent
At Coleby C.E. Primary School, our aspiration for each of our children is based upon the need for them to enter the world of work as articulate and literate individuals who are able to write for a range of purposes. We strive to provide a stimulating environment for children to develop their skills and achieve the best writing outcomes. Through our writing curriculum, we aim to equip our children with relevant, useful vocabulary that they can contextualise to enhance their writing.
We aim to provide children with meaningful models for their writing before showing them how these models are crafted as a writer. We do this by unpicking the big ideas behind a text, modelling how to craft that piece of writing and give the children the opportunity to mirror this process before applying it independently. We aim for our children to see the value in careful planning and critical editing in order to organise and enhance their written work before publishing a piece of writing that they can be proud of. Ultimately, we want to develop children who can use writing as an effective tool for communication.