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Our curriculum intent:


We are a school family that values and supports one another in achieving our full potential; academically and personally. Our curriculum builds knowledge over time, enabling all learners to know more, remember more and do more. There is a clear focus on developing a rich vocabulary, through a text centred approach starting with the youngest members of our school, to develop the skills of speaking, reading and writing. We’re shaping happy, confident, and resilient learners who embark on an exciting journey of discovery, understanding and experience a lifetime of opportunity.


We are proud of our local area, with its Roman heritage, access to a historic city, farming, and the Royal Air Force, giving local opportunities for children to deepen their knowledge and develop as historians, geographers, scientists, artists, designers, musicians, sports people and computer users. We nurture self-confidence and emotional resilience through the opportunities we experience. As a church school our learning is rooted in Christian values, developing a deep awareness and tolerance of other faiths and cultures beyond the village of Coleby. God created us for an eternal relationship with him and through hope and kindness we serve our community and the wider world to make a positive difference.
